Tuesday 27 January 2009

What style of music would you call this?

Hello, I am brand new to this blogging malarkey but will give it my best shot. If I do anything horribly wrong or offensive to any bloggers out there, please excuse me, I've only just begun. Let me know and I'll correct myself!
I am in a band called MOONTOWN and we are about to put some tunes up on I-tunes and we need a bit of help.
Basically, we don't quite know what style of music to put us under??!! We've always had this problem. We combine loads of different styles into one and can't put our finger on it.
If anyone would like to tell us or review our music if you like it(or even if you don't) we will send you a free mp3 of one of our up-coming singles! Our myspace account is www.myspace.com/moontownmusic We have just set up a fan site on Facebook too if you want to check us out on that as well!
I hope to not just push our music but meet loads of interesting people on here. I love debating about ANYTHING and love good argument especially on the subjects of music, philosophy, religion, comedy, BEER anything basically so get in touch and I'll be back!

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