Friday 30 January 2009

Here's a tip for al bands out there...

When doing a gig a long way from home for no money. Ensure you have a good gig by.. TAKING YOUR OWN SOUNDMAN OR ME!!!! DO NOT RELY ON THE INCOMPETENT W*NKERS SUPPLIED BY THE CHEAP ASS OWNERS!!!!!
Seriously, great gig, people loved it but we sounded sh)te because the soundman was a numpty. Beethoven could have done a better job and he was deaf and is dead!!!!
GRRRRRRR!!!! Rant over but it annoys us when we put time into putting on a show and one spanner can mess it all up through incompetence. If you're going to be a soundman(as I am for our nights) LEARN YOUR SUBJECT(as I did). IF YOU DO A BAD JOB ON THE SOUND YOU ARE NOT A SOUNDMAN, YOU ARE JUST A MAN!!!!
Any hooooo, onwards and upwards. We made some great contacts including a man who worked with RZA, Estelle and Sade!!!! Gonna hook up with him for some projects and live music events too so not an entirely wasted gig.
Thanks to Simon for his hospitality and for putting us on. Thanks to the soundman for screwing up hours of very hard work. Thanks to our friends who came(seriously) you made it worthwhile and we managed to get about 15 people there(considering there were only about 60 in the bar!!!), which, for a band from Dorset, is pretty good! Thanks to Emma and G for doing what they do and mayb next time Ville?

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