Tuesday 3 February 2009

Goooood Loooord!

What a messy one!!! We had our regular live music night(RETROGRESSION) in Dorchester on sat eve. Ahem, I think it went well. I'll wait until I hear differently but I don't remember much!
I'm still recovering now.
I enjoyed myself as did all who played and came to watch. I love putting on events and even more so when they go well like sat did.
Weve got a great following now and can pretty much guarantee a packed evening full of great music, laughter and merriment! You should all come to one before you die. Put it under"things to do before you die" category in your life calendar.
About to sort out press and radio coverage of events, promo dvd to get RETROGRESSION in as many venues as possible all over the south coast.
If you know a venue that would be suitable near you, get i touch and we'll organise a gig in your home town!
Will be back with more info when I can remember it.

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